Why You Should Always Record Your Live Event Webcast

In today’s highly digital world, video content is a valuable asset. Smart organizations consider high-quality, pre-recorded video content to be invaluable.

If managed efficiently and in a focused manner, the return on your investment can be significant (especially since we, at MediaStreams routinely record footage of your live event at no extra charge).

Storage is so inexpensive these days, that we highly recommend you don’t pinch pennies when it comes to video backups and save all of your video broadcast footage. The footage can be saved in the cloud but we do recommend also having a backup recording on a hard drive. The pay-off in doing so is much more than just a simple backup to prevent unexpected issues or file losses.

If you need a reason to record your event video, here is a short list:

  • Archiving footage as a backup
  • Using recorded footage for promotions, advertisements, etc., especially for future events.
  • Allow guests who may have missed the webcast to watch the event after the fact.
  • Continuing audience engagement well after the live event is over.
  • Generating additional revenue via on-demand video on your website.

A Live Streamed Event is just a starting point when it comes to the full utilization of your video assets – there is so much more you can do with that recorded content…

1. Reach new audiences:

Perhaps the biggest advantage to live stream recording for events is the ability to reach new audiences.

With live events, recorded video becomes especially valuable. Scheduling conflicts and other issues always arise, which makes it likely that some invitees and some portion of your potential audience will miss the event. Given that probability, you can easily double, triple, or quadruple your total audience by creating a recording and displaying it as on-demand video.

Some people, especially in remote/rural locations, may not have an internet connection that is fast enough to handle a live stream. Providing those folks with downloadable files or even DVD/USB stick-based files, you can make sure that no one is left out.

2. Give viewers (and even attendees) a second look:

Another key reason to do live stream recording is to offer your audience a chance to review the live stream at their leisure. Some of the associations we work with, routinely put up the recordings on their website and a significant number of their members go back to watch the event over and over again. This is an extremely useful facility to offer your audience.

3. Generate additional revenue:

One of the goals of many associations and non-profits, is to generate additional revenue. Video recordings of a paid live event, would greatly impact your bottom line by charging new viewers a modest fee to watch the video.

It’s possible that a majority of views for any given program will occur after the live event and it would be wasteful to ignore that revenue stream. However, that’s only possible if you record the event and then make that recorded content available as a Pay-per-View video on your site. This can be done as a one-time fee or even as part of a membership subscription plan that viewers can buy into.

4. Use for Online Commercials & Promotions:

Creating a montage using excerpts from the recorded footage can be repurposed for creating commercials for your organization or promotional clips for future events. Demonstrating the quality of your video as well as the quality of the content, would also encourage viewers to sign up for future events – creating yet another revenue stream.

While storage of video footage does indeed consume storage space, recorded video is far too valuable an asset to discard. The more viewers who end up watching your event video, the more valuable it becomes. If for no other reason than the possibility of future use, we highly recommend keeping old stream recordings around for the long-term.

Hopefully we have shown you enough cause to record your live streamed events as a way of expanding the reach of your audience base, extending viewer engagement, and also potentially improving your bottom line through additional revenue generation.

To see how we provide free recordings of the events we stream live for you, please visit our website at https://mediastreams.ca or give us a call at 604.970.5055 for more information.



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