Securing Your Live Event Webcast

In this article we discuss how to secure and maintain control of your Live Event Stream

World over, security professionals are warning of a yearly increase in piracy, hacking, and other digital attacks. It has been estimated that piracy costs the U.S. economy more than $20 billion per year. Now while all of this does not apply to live streamed events, those webcasts are also in danger of being illegally accessed, sometimes for nefarious purposes.

Here are a few security and privacy features that we can implement to avoid illegal access of your live event webcast:

  1. Geographic Restrictions: also known as IP restrictions: with these, we can ‘whitelist’ IP address ranges corresponding to certain countries in the world. This feature is very useful if you’re targeting an audience restricted to a single region.
  2. Referrer Restrictions: these allow us to whitelist specific domains. For example, viewers can only access your live streams and videos when viewing them on, or visiting a link from, certain websites.
  3. Password Protection: this is self explanatory and can be a powerful tool to prevent unauthorized access. Password protection can be enabled either using a single, common password for all users (a less secure but also a cheaper method) or by providing unique passwords to all individual viewers (a more secure but more expensive method which also requires pre-event registration).
  4. SSL Payment Security: for paid events where users need to purchase access, we advise that all payments should be secured using bank-grade SSL encryption, to protect the financial data of your clients.
  5. HTTPS Video Delivery: this feature uses encryption to protect your streams from intermediary attacks, in which someone eavesdrops on the internet link between provider and viewer.
  6. Dynamic Token Security: tokenized video delivery is automatically activated on the our platform when you embed live video on a website. This tool calls the servers every two minutes to check and cross-check that access is legitimate. If the wrong token, or no token, is granted, the video playback will immediately fail.

These are all key security features to use and are all available options on our service, when streaming your event live. For more information on how we can secure your next live webcast, visit us at or give us a call at 604.970.5055



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