Product Launches

One of the moRE popular modern business uses for streaming is to broadcast product launch videos LIVE!

As many corporations are discovering, this is a great way to build interest for a new product. A live streaming event can also be a great boost to the momentum of product sales and can become a social gathering in its own right.

Any size company can benefit from live streaming product releases. It does, however, require effort. After all, your products aren’t going to sell themselves. Let’s look at a few elements of broadcast live product launch videos that make them highly effective.

Why would a business choose to put on a large, expensive event to launch their product?

It’s all about standing out, of course. We live in a crowded world of new products. Every single day hundreds of new product designs are released. Some of these are fantastic products, and yet they still fail. The reason? Poor Marketing!

It makes sense to spend lavishly on live product launches because, if done right, these events can build invaluable buzz around your products. Thought leaders will extol your new design. News agencies and blogs will cover it. Friends will discuss it. That’s all free advertising, and much more valuable than the paid kind.

Planning out your event

For starters, live product launch events must be well planned. The whole event should be choreographed. We recommend scripting your event thoroughly.

Part of a successful event is what happens before the cameras even start rolling.

  • How professional does the event appear?
  • Are there excited, engaged company spokespeople willing to engage with the crowd?
  • Can you bring in guest speakers to advocate for your brand? Bring on different people from the product process.
  • Software, engineering, and design staff can each speak to their philosophies and the work that went into the product.
  • Business leadership can talk about what this product can do for you.

How to Broadcast a Product Launch with Live Streaming Video

Test out your scripts beforehand on a small trial audience to get a real sense of how effective your presentation is. Plan to revise at least three or four times.

Another element you can plan out beforehand is pre-recorded videos. Pre-recorded content can stand alone, serving as advertising material in its own right. In the flow of a live event, however, a video can spice things up. Professional production quality can truly make your product stand out.

To further build buzz around your live event, consider the following ideas:

  • Tease your release on social media
  • Release selected rumors to industry journalists or thought leaders
  • Consider advertising for your live event or release date
  • Send direct invitations to influential individuals and journalists

Beyond a great product, revenue stream, and marketing plan, you’ll actually need a technically stable, live streaming setup.

Today, live streaming is more popular than ever before.

Most professional-grade venues have sufficient internet speeds to stream in full HD quality. Beyond this, you’ll need a software or hardware encoder and the staff to operate it. Finally, you’ll need someone to operate cameras, mixers, video mixers and other necessary audio equipment to record and stream excellent audio quality.

Now this is an extremely brief overview of the technical needs for live streaming.

Another key element of live streaming is an Online Video Platform (OVP).

YouTube is one example of an OVP, but it’s a consumer-grade platform. Live streaming with YouTube is possible, but it’s not a good platform for businesses. Facebook live streaming is similarly handicapped.

A better alternative is to have a professional white-label video platform developed for you, such as the one we can provide for you at Webs4Videos – a department of EventcatLive.

Platforms like this make it simple to enact security measures, restrict access to live streams, monetize your content, or simply embed streams with only your branding in the video.

Streaming product releases can be a great business decision. It’s possible to generate buzz and excitement with streaming that just isn’t possible to create with a press release or web post. However, it’s not an easy process. An effective product launch stream requires planning, preparation, a good product, and technical know-how.

Our goal in this article has been to introduce you to the potential of using streaming video for product launches, and to the equipment and services necessary for this undertaking. With this start, you should be able to live stream relatively effectively — and hopefully boost your business operations as well.

For more information on developing your own streaming platform visit: Webs4Videos or call 604.970.5055



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